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LTE | Attracktive Forces #22019-11-01 | LTE News

LTE | Attracktive Forces #2

Nice that you’re (back) here - keen to find out, what’s behind all this "attracktion" and why it is spelled with double „t“...

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There are multiple ways how attracktive forces work, what they trigger and which effects they have on their surroundings.


Attracktive forces can be joining elements or connect them.

joining forcesOnce joined these forces keep things together and unite them. 

untiting forces

They can be magnetic or create gravitational movement - bringing a center into focus. 

gravitating forces

Speaking of focus: charismatic is just another way of describing attracktive.

charismatic attracktion

Attracktive forces may also create a flow, to create movement in a smooth way.

flowing forcesOr they can simply pull things in the right direction.

pulling forces


We think you’re getting the idea, why „attracktive forces“ is the new campaign of LTE–group. Hang on to find out if you’re right.


We’ll be back soon.




(in the meantime you can watch the video once more…)

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