After the LTE-group, especially Andreas Mandl, was able to look back on a sensational 2023 at the end of last year, the athletes, who LTE is accompanying on their successes, did the same for their disciplines.
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There was Olympic gold at the Special Olympics: more than 100 austrian athletes brought home a whopping 45 medals in 15 disciplines, a remarkable achievement, which country director Nicole Koch, on behalf of the entire team, looks back on with great joy, as she does on the now global social relevance of the initiative launched over half a century ago under the motto “Let me win. But if I can't win, then let me be brave in the attempt.”

Michael Kratzer agreed on several mottos in our context. He is one of the leading motocross drivers in Austria. His national championship title would not have been shaken had he not suffered a serious injury last fall that prevented him from taking part in races for some time. But his unbroken will and commitment to a quick recovery ultimately enabled him to achieve second place in the domestic rankings and he is currently preparing for a promising 2024 season.

Just like Dorina and Ronja Klinger, our ballet dancers on the international beach volleyball courts. Last year they achieved all of their goals and climbed several steps up to the Olympus in their discipline, with notable placements in world-renowned competitions, ennobled by the national championship title last August. The Olympic Games are on the program for 2024, a participation to crown their career so far.

Sport will also continue at the Special Olympics in 2024, on the one hand at the 7th National Special Olympics Winter Games, but also for the gold medalists Fiona Wolf and Niklas Kern: The two experienced competitors will soon be opening the Vienna Opera Ball together. So the (successful) ball season has begun for the LTE-group: “Everybody waltz!”
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